Basic Info
Basic Information
Chittagong District (Chittagong division) with an area of 5,282.98 sq km, is bounded by feni district and Tripura (Indian state) on the north, cox's bazar district on the south, bandarban, rangamati and khagrachhari districts on the east and noakhali district and the bay of bengal on the west. Chittagong District is quite different from other districts for its unique natural beauty characterised by hills, rivers, sea, forests and valleys. Annual average temperature maximum 32.5 oC, minimum 13.5 oC, total annual rainfall 2687 mm. Main rivers are karnafuli, halda and sangu. |
At a Glance
Area: |
5,282.98 Km2 |
Upazila Road: |
1025.12 Km |
Union Road: |
1154.88 Km |
Village Road: |
4018.9 Km VA |
4578.82 Km VB |
Population: |
69,41,000 |
Density: |
1239 per Km2 |
Literacy: |
54 % |
Upazilas: |
14 |
Union: |
195 |
Pourashavas: |
10 |
Primary Schools: |
2024 |
High Schools: |
668 |
Colleges: |
110 |